Thursday, September 25, 2008

Technical Skill Demo

For this one we had to demonstrate different tech's such as freezing motion and showing motion. This was an interesting day since I was paired up w/ the "kiddies." Not that it's a terribly bad thing or anything...I actually felt like a kid again at times (wow that makes me feel old).

I just got the grade back and wow did I fail miserably. Basically got a C+

But anywho, here are the decent ones:

Jess was awesome.

Yeah I know I chopped some of the car off, but it was my best of the bunch. It was such a long day. I just wanted to get done. Other than that, technically, it looks solid.

Monday, September 22, 2008


So today roomie and I decided to hang out w/ some local gearheads. Here's some of the pics I took.

E-man ridin' low:

Will's dub daytoned chevy HDR'ed

both Rebel XT, 10-22

Saturday, September 13, 2008

JPG shoot

So we were able to sample the 5D and a 24-70L and all its yummy goodness...too bad it was raining.

Here's my fav out of the bunch:

Here's some others obviously untouched.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tip of the Iceberg?

So today we went UrbExing. Fun stuff.

Rebel XT, 10-22