Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Import Tuner

So that shot of Cyrus' Z that I posted a few months ago?

Well, some of you know. Most of you probably do not...but I made it into Import Tuner! March 2010 to be exact. Granted, it's only the Longshots section, it's still something. ^_^

"Aw yeah, beb." -Emerill Legasse

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ronald McDonald House Charities San Diego

So, I was flipping through the channels and after landing on the Winter Olympics for a few minutes, I saw a TV spot for the 6th Annual Dream House Raffle I photo assisted. It was kind of surreal because the nanosecond it came on, my finger was already changing the channel but since I caught a glimpse of a familiar image I quickly looked for the "Last" button on the remote...and there she was. It was a real pretty home, too in a nice location.

It was a cool experience and I think I made a good connection with the photographer, Jaime Fritsch, and look forward to working with him in the future.

Anyway, if you got the cash, please take time to join in on the raffle. I know I'd LOVE to win it.

image ©2009-2010 sdraffle.com

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tooooo Long...

...since my last post shoot! Man, its good to get behind the Wacom again..and remembering how frustrating it was to learn how to use the pen tool because I had to relearn it all over again lol.

But this is actually my first comp that I'm willing to share. I think it turned out pretty decent considering my lack of stock photos and like 30 mins to shoot. My first location I had in mind was going to close w/in 15 mins of me arriving so I went to loc 2 but by the time I got set up, the sun was already setting.

Anyway, no more words. Here's the shot.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Slowly But Surely

So it's been real slow for me since the last post but I'm really trying to make-do. Work for Gerardy is starting back up but won't pick up until about the end of Feb. But on a plus side, I'm trying to network more and so far I've come up with a few more cars willing to go in on my pinup project. I think I have about 4-6 cars lined up so that's kinda exciting. I also hope to shoot a couple classic imports soon so yeah, cool stuff. Thing is, they aren't really paying gigs so I'm still fighting on that front. Hopefully it pays off soon, though...here's to sticking to my guns. (-_^ )